Mark you calendars for April 26, 2025 for a new race from Coyote Ugly!!

104 miles with 21K vert and a 40 hour cut off!!

50 miles with 10K vert and 20 hour cut off!!

You’ll climb Windy Gap, Grassy Mtn Fire Tower, Bear Creek Overlook, Emery Creek, Emery Creek Falls and Pinhoti sections 1-6 (all the way to Dennis Mill) for the 100 milers!! Pacers allowed after the completion of the first loop (40 miles)!

This course is a bit different than usual starting and ending at the Pinhoti “2” field. The race starts be heading down P2 before you hit the FS road and take it all the way to Windy Gap. You will get the full tour of the Cohutta WMA area before coming back to the finish line at mile 40! You will then head out to Dennis Mill effectively doing Pinhoti 1-6 all at one go before returning the way you came back to the Cohutta Overlook. Then, you’ll head back down the FS road and climb up to the top of Emery Creek crossing the stream several time before coming back down to Bear Creek and the finish line!

We will have all the good aid station fare including hot food, plenty of electrolytes and all the snacks and coke you could want!

50 Mile Course

100 Mile Course


Aid Station Matrix:

aid stationmileage/ total milescutoff timeelapsed time/total time
emery creek8.5 / 8.5830 am2.5 hrs / 2.5 hrs
windy gap5 /13.51030 am2 hrs / 4.5 hrs
grassy mtn4 /17.51230pm2 hrs / 6.5 hrs
ball field5.5 / 23230 pm2 hrs / 8.5 hrs
bear creek spur6 / 29430 pm2 hrs / 10.5 hrs
bear creek th6 / 35630 pm2 hrs / 12..5 hrs
p2/start/finish5 / 409 pm2.5 hrs / 15 hrs
cohutta overlook(turn around for the 50M)7 / 4711:30 pm2.5 hrs / 17.5 hrs
50 mile: finish7 / 54 miles2 am20 hrs
peeples lake rd7 / 542 am2.5 hrs/ 20 hrs
dennis mill8 / 625 am3 hrs / 23 hrs
peeples lake rd8 / 708 am3 hrs / 26 hrs
cohutta overlook7 / 7711 am3 hrs / 29 hrs
emery creek8 / 852 pm3 / 32 hrs
ball field5 / 905 pm2 hrs/ 34 hrs
bear creek spur5 / 957 pm2 hrs / 36 hrs
bear creek th5 / 1009 pm2 hrs / 38 hrs
finish line5 / 10511 pm2 hrs / 40 hrs